Total Equestrian Experience

For lessons, equine training, and THE Horse camp in the classical English style,

Caitlin's Comments

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At 4:30pm on May 9, 2009, Caitlin said…
i don't know, are you. i dont think i am tho. r u going to the show?
At 11:59am on May 9, 2009, Hannah said…
so we did troting some leg yeilding and cantering are you gana go to the horse camp?
At 2:35pm on May 7, 2009, Hannah said…
kol. bye!
At 8:14pm on May 6, 2009, Caitlin said…
i am going to cross the golden gate bridge. see, there are levels in girl scouts. it starts with daisies, then brownies, then juniors, which i am, then cadettes, and so on so on. the movement between levels is called "bridging", so we walk over bridges, (you don't have to though. last time we went over this bridge in my old school, it was only like 4 ft. long) so i, and my other girl scout friends, are crossing over the bridge to become cadettes. in 8th grade, we get to become counselors at camp. its really cool. well, talk to ya later. bye bye! :)
At 4:56pm on May 6, 2009, Hannah said…
ok. wat u gana do in san francisco?
At 4:10pm on May 5, 2009, Caitlin said…
hello. im not going to b there on sat, im going to san francisco wit the girl scouts. tell me wat u do ok? c u later
At 11:50am on April 19, 2009, Hannah said…
ok c u next saturday
At 4:43pm on April 18, 2009, Caitlin said…
alright wel im watching a show so i have to go. oooo that rhymed!
At 4:43pm on April 18, 2009, Caitlin said…
thanks, i felt like i was really able to conrol sprite 2day. u were great on charlie too, oh and ashley, i know u read these, so u know that i was kidding. so umm, don't kill me on wednesday. hannah, i was talking 2 ashley
At 3:35pm on April 18, 2009, Hannah said…
good job on sprite
At 8:31pm on April 16, 2009, Hannah said…
At 8:30pm on April 16, 2009, Hannah said…
me 2 :]
At 2:39pm on April 16, 2009, Caitlin said…
up at the top of ur comments, there is a thing that says "Comment Wall (... comments) ( the dots is the amount of comments on ur wall) and below that it says add coment, so then u click on it, and u comment on ur own page! yaaaaaay. school is almost ova. which means doin nothing during the week, and riding on the weekends, plus vacation! can't wait!
At 7:20pm on April 15, 2009, Hannah said…
how do u comment on ur own profile
At 7:19pm on April 15, 2009, Hannah said…
k u 2
At 8:42pm on April 14, 2009, Caitlin said…
wel bai. i am talking to my friend. sry, c u sat. wit ash there
At 8:37pm on April 14, 2009, Caitlin said…
At 8:26pm on April 14, 2009, Hannah said…
ya but tat was only in the begin of they lesson then i got the hang of it :]
At 12:13pm on April 12, 2009, Hannah said…
o well did u do ok with having the right diagonal
At 8:51am on April 12, 2009, Caitlin said…
thanks. i think i did ok on the trotting, but when it came 2 cantering, i lost my seat.

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