Total Equestrian Experience

For lessons, equine training, and THE Horse camp in the classical English style,

THE Wrangler Camp Policies


  1. Welcome to THE Wrangler Horse Camp! Our goal is to Introduce each camper to the world of horses in a safe, fun, and exciting way! Along the way campers will develop many living skills such as leadership, communication, empathy, a work ethic, and much much more!

  2. Camp is located at 12100 Browns Canyon rd Chatsworth CA.  With pre-written authorization on file, teen campers may sign themselves in and out of camp only during our regularly scheduled times. 

  3. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES will be issued unless the program is canceled.

  4. Attendance in the Wrangler Program is a session long commitment to arrive at camp by 8:15am each day and help with the regular horse camp until 3. Wranglers may remain until 6pm except Fridays.   

  5. Camp activities begin sharply at 815am. Please plan on arriving to camp on time. Your teen may miss important activities if they are late.

  6.  Camp drop off and pick will be at the green park. Camp pick up will be at the bleachers if remaining for extended care

  7. Please drive slowly when pulling in our driveway. You may scare horses if driving too fast.

  8. In the event of an emergency or change of drop off/pick up situation, please follow posted signs at our drop off gate and our TEE sign at the entrance to our driveway.

  9. All Wrangler campers will be evaluated for their riding skills their first Monday of camp and will then be taught accordingly. Our riding groups are mixed groups and do not necessarily reflect rider competency.

  10. It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the Camp by 7:30am if your teen is not going to attend camp on that day by texting (818)675-7507..There are no makeups for missed days.

  11. Teens with contagious illnesses will not be permitted in Camp. If a camper becomes ill during our care a call will be placed and arrangements must be made to pick up the camper. In this situation teens may NOT sign themselves out.

  12. Camp staff cannot administer any medication to your teen. If your teen must take medication during camp hours it must be sent in its original bottle with doctor’s directions attached and turned into staff at the time of check in. It will be locked in our first aid box. Staff will remind campers at the following hours ONLY to take their medication: 8:30am, 12:30pm, 4:00pm. Campers must be able to administer medication to him/herself. Please adjust medications at home to fit these hours, as we cannot deviate from them. (Asthmatic and diabetic medications will be kept on the staff person or the camper at all times and used as needed.)

  13. No teen camper will be accepted into our program until the appropriate paperwork has been returned to the camp at least 1 week  prior to the campers first start date.

  14. No refunds or exchanges of camp sessions, once registration is accepted, will be permitted. T.E.E. reserves the right to cancel the program at any time due to lack of registration.

  15. All camp fees are due by April 1st or in full at the time of registration if after that date. 

  16. Appropriate behavior from teen campers is expected at all times. If a staff member finds that a teens  behavior is uncontrollable and harmful to himself, others, or the equines, staff will place a call to the parent to have the camper picked up. ARRANGEMENTS MUST BE MADE AT THIS TIME for immediate pick up. Teens may not sign themselves out in this case.

  17. Campers must wear close-toed shoes at all times. Shoes with short heels and long pants must be brought for riding periods. Campers without shoes with heels or long pants will not be permitted to ride. (Riding chaps are acceptable.) Campers must wear a hat at all times to protect them from the sun. Campers must bring a backpack to camp daily with sunscreen and water. If they do not have sunscreen or water it will be supplied at an additional fee

  18. Total Equestrian Experience carries Liability Insurance only.

  19. The camp does not have a refrigerator for lunch or for medications. Therefore we suggest an individual cooler be brought for lunch and that all medications are in pill form. Lunch and a sanck must be brought to camp daily.

  20. While all safety precautions are taken, horse back riding is a high-risk activity. Parents will be informed of all  accidents with accident forms. Please read, sign and return these forms the following day. In the event that your child is seriously injured in camp a call will be placed to the parent and all subsequent emergency numbers. If no authorized person can be contacted, emergency medical personnel will be called in. All advice of emergency personnel will be followed including advice to transport to the nearest hospital.

  21. Radios, ipods, electronic games, weapons of any kind, and other such items are not permitted in camp. TEE is not responsible for personal items brought to camp including saddles, helmets,  phones, jewelry, etc. All phones must be turned off and placed inside of bags until the end of the camp day. We encourage teens to bring a beach type chair to camp for their use. The chair may be left at camp however TEE accepts no responsibility for it’s safety.

  22. Personal animals are not allowed at camp with the exception of pre-approved horses. If you wish to bring your own horse to camp please contact our director via email.

  23. A lunch option is available this year. If you are interested you must sign up each day online by 9am. 

  24.  Follow our camp activities with pictures, stories, and news information by becoming a member of our virtual community at and THE Horse Camp Facebook page! Join the group The Horse Camp to get important information. News will also be on the sign in/out clipboard daily. By signing this form I agree that my child’s image may be used for all purposes deemed necessary for Total Equestrian Experience and THE Teen Horse Camp without compensation. I understand that names of minors will not be attached to any photos used for this purpose.



    I understand and accept the above stated rules. Furthermore I will discuss these rules with my child





Signature                                                                                Date


Name of Parent____________________________________________________________________



Name  Camper___________________________________________________________________




Camper signature


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